Overcoming Negativity
Did you know that as humans, we are hard wired to be negative? This something known as negativity bias. Negative experiences have a far greater impact on our brain compared to positive experiences. Therefore when something bad happens we are quick to return to that negative memory.
Negativity bias can have a powerful effect on your behavior, the choices you make and even your relationships with other people.
Here are some things to consider in trying to overcome the negativity:
✅Stop with the negative self talk - instead of being fixated on a choice you made that had a less that desirable outcome, think about think about you can learn from the situation and how you can grow.
✅Reframe the situation - its easy to do the shoulda/coulda/woulda, instead look for ways to refocus your thoughts on the positives.
✅Establish new patterns - do something to take your mind out of that place.
✅Savor the positive experiences - since it takes more to remember the positives, dwell on them for as long as you can.